Political Outreach

We asked, they answered

In early October 2024, we conducted a brief survey of 20 local candidates running for critical seats in the Capital Region. The goal of this survey was to gain a deeper understanding of each candidate and their level of involvement with our Muslim community.
The survey consisted of just 7 questions, designed to elicit honest responses about:
- Their past engagement with our community
- Their current understanding of our needs and concerns
- How they plan to serve and represent our community if elected
This effort aims to provide valuable insights into the candidates’ perspectives and commitments.
Scroll to see the replies!
1. How have you interacted with the Muslim community in the past? When was the last time you visited a mosque? Yes. Many times. I have been to the Muslim Community Center of the Capital District in the past.
2. Do you have a specific contact for Muslim constituents in your office? All of my staff are always available and welcoming to help any constituent in need or who seeks assistance.
3. As Islamophobia in our country skyrockets, a major concern that emerges from our communities is the safety and security of our religious centers, like our mosques and schools. How do you plan to ensure the safety of people in their mosques and religious schools? Racism, bigotry, antisemitism, Islamophobia and intolerance are the center of evil and and must be opposed wherever they rear their ugly head. I’m sponsoring legislation to increase criminal penalties for hate crime laws. I also support efforts to increase police protection of our houses of worship who request them.
4. Have you ever received training on Islamophobia/anti-Muslim bigotry? Yes as part of my annual Senate anti-discrimination training.
5. How will your office provide assistance to community members who have been victims of doxxing, censorship, and outright Islamophobia? There’s no place for this intolerance! As I mentioned, I am sponsoring legislation to increase penalties for hate crimes laws in all categories.
6. What is your stance on legislation providing halal food options in school cafeterias? I’d be supportive.
7. What is your position on recognizing Eid as a school holiday? We need to protect the religious freedoms of people to worship and not penalize students for engaging in those activities. I would be supportive.
Jim Tedisco is running for NYS Senate. Learn more about Jim here!
- If elected, how do you plan to work with the local Muslim community? I would like to learn the needs of the community by spending time in the community and learning about their local and general needs. In talking to constituents, I’ve learned about issues such as bullying in schools based on religion that are important. I plan to tackle that at all schools in our school district, ensuring our school boards have resources and culturally specific training. Some other needs I’ve learned from our South Asian Muslim community is more cricket grounds. I will be working on more resources for cricket in our district.
- What specific actions will you take to engage with the Muslim community during your term? What measurable outcomes do you hope to achieve? I would very much like to engage with our Muslim community in meaningful ways – from celebrating Eid to learning about the everyday needs of the community. The NYS comptroller’s report shows that hate-crimes have gone up significantly based on religion with the Jewish community and the Muslim community as the two main targets. I would like to work on finding resources to make the communities safer and make sure that any hate crime is reported and justice is served.
- Will you support providing accessible (non-denominational) spaces for Muslims to perform daily prayers in public or government buildings? I will definitely be happy to work on this, sponsor legislation or work with OGS to make this a reality. I grew up in India with Muslim neighbors and Muslim class-mates. I understand the need for accessible space to perform daily prayers for the devout. I am happy to advocate for it as soon as I get elected.
“Thank you so much for reaching out. I’m not sure if you know this – but every weekend I’ve been visiting different faith based organizations in our district to learn about the community needs.I would very much like to visit the Islamic Center of the Capital District. Would there be a good time I can join y’all? I have attended events with the Bangladeshi community and other cultural events at the Muslim Community Center. However, I would very much like to visit with y’all, and learn about the various different communities and their needs.” Minita Sanghvi
Minita Sanghvi is running for NYS Senate. Learn more about Minita here!
1. How have you interacted with the Muslim community in the past? When was the last time you visited a mosque? I have met with leaders and stakeholders from majority-Muslim community groups from our district on multiple occasions in the Capitol. I’ve met with Muslim small business owners about their concerns, and our staff has helped families with immigration efforts, particularly after the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan.
2. Do you have a specific contact for Muslim constituents in your office? Unfortunately, I only have the staffing resources to have one dedicated constituent services representative, though all of my staff pitch in when needed. Fortunately, he and they are committed to providing diligent, compassionate service to everyone in our district, regardless of their race, creed, gender, or political affiliation. I think a proposal worth exploring might be for the state Senate at large to provide regionally-based Muslim constituent service representatives who could provide culturally competent community support.
3. As Islamophobia in our country skyrockets, a major concern that emerges from our communities is the safety and security of our religious centers, like our mosques and schools. How do you plan to ensure the safety of people in their mosques and religious schools? It’s a warranted concern, and one that I take seriously. It’s all about resources. I would be extremely supportive of funding in this year’s budget to provide additional security for religious schools and places of worship. Everyone deserves to feel safe while they worship and while they learn.
4. Have you ever received training on Islamophobia/anti-Muslim bigotry? The state Senate’s ethics, anti-harassment and diversity training is extremely comprehensive and details how insidious Islamophobia and anti-Muslim bigotry is and how it is completely unacceptable everywhere, especially in the workplace and particularly in state government. Muslim Americans deserve to be empowered in the workplace, period.
5. How will your office provide assistance to community members who have been victims of doxxing, censorship, and outright islamophobia? Our protocol is to ensure the constituent is aware of cost-free legal resources and, if the situation warrants, encourage them to report the incident to law enforcement. We take these matters extremely seriously.
6. What is your stance on legislation providing halal food options in school cafeterias? I would be very open to that. I’ve supported efforts to connect local farmers to school cafeterias. I’ve supported universal free meals in schools. Schools with substantial Muslim student populations should provide these options, particularly with state support.
7. What is your position on recognizing Eid as a school holiday? I am supportive, and would vote for it should it come to the Senate Floor for consideration!
Jake Ashby is running for NYS Senate. Learn more about Jake here!
1. How have you interacted with the Muslim community in the past? When was the last time you visited a mosque? As a child my parents brought me to various faith-based community events to ensure I had exposure and immersion into other cultures different than my own. I have not visited a Mosque since being involved in politics in 2021; however, I would like to visit. My most recent substantive interaction with the Muslim community was when I listened and connected with Muslim constituents and concerned community members to organize a passage of a ceasefire resolution in the Albany Common Council, which passed in early 2024.
2. Do you have a specific contact for Muslim constituents in your office? I do not have a specific contact for Muslim constituents in my current office in the Albany Common Council, as I do not have staff assigned to me as a Councilmember. We have three general staff assigned to all 15 members.
3. As Islamophobia in our country skyrockets, a major concern that emerges from our communities is the safety and security of our religious centers, like our mosques and schools. How do you plan to ensure the safety of people in their mosques and religious schools? Everyone deserves to feel safe in their places of worship and learning. I’m concerned by the rise of Islamophobia over the last year, but also the increase over the last twenty five years. In order to proactively be aware of security risks and connected to faith-based leaders I plan to have regular meetings with all faith-based leaders in 109AD and will be able to provide immediate resources or attention as needed based on issues that arise. I will support an increase in security as needed and requested by the mosques and schools.
4. Have you ever received training on Islamophobia/anti-Muslim bigotry?I have not formally received training on Islamophobia/anti-Muslim bigotry beyond what is required by NYS and Albany County through my employment. Through my own research on implicit bias to enhance my jury selection skills in my law practice, I am fully aware of the ongoing need to address bias and refine judgment, and welcome any additional training that you feel would be helpful for me and my staff.
5. How will your office provide assistance to community members who have been victims of doxxing, censorship, and outright Islamophobia? My office will be a strong safe haven for victims of crime, harassment, and hate. I will not only speak out by using my voice and pen to contact the leaders that can control the spread of hateful information (for example, a principal in a school or a fellow elected official that is spreading Islamophobia), but will be public about the need for accountability or reform.
6. What is your stance on legislation providing halal food options in school cafeterias? I fully support providing halal food options in school cafeterias and will sponsor legislation upon my start in January 2025 to support this.
7. What is your position on recognizing Eid as a school holiday? I fully support recognizing Eid as a school holiday and will sponsor legislation upon my start in January 2025 to support this.
Gabriella Romero is running for NYS Assembly. Learn more about Gabriella here!
As of October 30, 2024. We have not received a reply from:
- Kirsten Gillibrand
- Michael Sapraicone
- Paul Tonko
- Kevin Waltz
- Alvin Gamble
- Patricia Fahy
- Ted Danz
- Chloe Pierce
- Scott Bendett
- Alicia Purdie
- Phil Steck
- Jeff Madden
- Angelo Santabarbara
- Jeremy Messina
- Joe Seeman
- Mary Beth Walsh